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How To Use a Blood Pressure Monitor

Marcus Milord

Blood pressure monitors are increasingly becoming a staple in American households. According to the American Heart Association, one in three American adults has high blood pressure, and only half of those with high blood pressure have their condition under control. High blood pressure often has no symptoms, so the only way to know if you have it is to get your blood pressure checked regularly.

There are two types of blood pressure monitors available for home use: digital and manual. Both types are generally accurate, but digital monitors are easier to use and can be more expensive.

Here are some tips for using a blood pressure monitor:

1. Follow the instructions that come with your specific monitor.

2. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor.

3. If you are using a digital monitor, place the cuff around your bare upper arm at heart level. If you are using a manual monitor, place the cuff around your bare upper arm and inflate the cuff until it is snug, but not too tight.

4. Once the cuff is in place, wait for the reading. If you are using a digital monitor, the machine will automatically take your blood pressure and display the reading. If you are using a manual monitor, you will need to pump the bulb until the gauge registers around 160 and then release the valve. At this point, the gauge will start to drop and you will need to watch it closely until it reaches zero. At zero, your blood pressure is taken.

5. Repeat the process a few times to get an accurate reading.

6. Once you have your blood pressure reading, make sure to record it in a notebook or on your smartphone so you can track it over time.

If you have high blood pressure, it is important to work with your doctor to create a treatment plan. This may include lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, as well as medication. Blood pressure monitors can be a helpful tool in managing your high blood pressure. By tracking your blood pressure on a regular basis, you and your doctor can work together to make sure your blood pressure stays under control.